Thematic investments: investing in future trends

Thematic investments are a great opportunity for society, the environment and your asset development. Decide which of the four future trends – water, climate, innovation leaders or high quality – you want to invest in and trust that your money is well invested in every area.

Your benefits with thematic investments

Invest in trendsetters and future-oriented companies with great growth potential in a wide range of markets.

Trust in an established ESG-integrated investment approach and our asset management, which continually reviews and implements new, substantiated and fundamentally active investment ideas.

Trust our sustainability expertise, our investment know-how and our innovation in combination with rapid implementation.

Benefit from our proven track record.


Invest in trendsetters and future-oriented companies with great growth potential in a wide range of markets.

Trust our sustainability expertise, our investment know-how and our innovation in combination with rapid implementation.

Trust in an established ESG-integrated investment approach and our asset management, which continually reviews and implements new, substantiated and fundamentally active investment ideas.

Benefit from our proven track record.


Which topic moves you?

Which topics of the future are closest to your heart? In which future market do you see the greatest development potential? You decide. With each of these thematic investments, you take advantage of the opportunities that offer you positive changes. At the same time, you support a healthy environment, economy and society with your investment. The careful selection of leading and innovative companies in their sector by means of a clearly defined, sustainable and fundamentally active investment process applies to all thematic investments. The rapid response of our experts to developments and trends in the market offers opportunities for profit growth.