Fundamental solutions: valuation and quality

For fundamental solutions, investments are made in companies that are valued favourably compared to the sector and impress with their quality characteristics. This is the core of the value-quality approach, where the 80 to 160 securities with the greatest potential are selected from an investment universe of more than 4,000 equities.

How you benefit from fundamental solutions

Stock selection with fundamental analysis

Structured analysis process for successful stock selection with ESG integration.

Performance that pays off

Our sound investment philosophy aims to achieve a higher return on investment than the market.

Bundled expertise

More than 30 experts analyse companies as well as technological and social developments.

Stock selection with fundamental analysis

Structured analysis process for successful stock selection with ESG integration.

Bundled expertise

More than 30 experts analyse companies as well as technological and social developments.

Performance that pays off

Our sound investment philosophy aims to achieve a higher return on investment than the market.

The investment philosophy for our fundamental solutions

The portfolio managers look for companies that operate successfully, pursue a solid business and sustainability strategy (ESG Criteria) and are (still) favourably valued by the market. Thanks to the proven value-quality approach, many gems are found among more than 4,000 equities in the investment universe and an above-average return on investment is achieved.

Investment process: How the best equities are found

Stock selection based on the bottom-up approach first involves analysing companies and then the sectors, markets or regions. The profitability screening and structured fundamental research are used to select equities that promise above-average returns over the next three to five years with below-average risk. The sustainability analysis is integrated and all portfolios comply with the Paris climate targets.

Three reasons to choose us

  1. 1 Value-quality approach: High-quality companies that are attractively valued are selected.
  2. 2 Performance: We aim for regular excess returns compared to the market.
  3. 3 Sustainability: ESG criteria and analyses are integrated into the investment process and the portfolios are made compatible with the Paris climate targets.

All fundamental equity funds at a glance

Our other equity fund solutions